Dr. Constantinos Laghios
Dr. Steve Buchanan |
1 Year Clinical Masters™ Program
in Endodontics
Athens session - July 2-5, 2015
Participants will master techniques that are repeatable, predictable and in all cases have the ability to create different but always excellent results!
Session fee: € 3,300 | 4 days | 33 C.E. credits |
Dr. Xavier Vela Nebot
Dr. Xavier Rodríguez
Dr. Víctor Méndez |
6 Months Clinical Masters™ Program
in Advanced Implant Aesthetics
Barcelona session - September 3-5, 2015
Live surgery and hands-on with the masters in their own institutes plus online mentoring and on-demand learning at your own pace and location.
Session fee: € 3,970 | 4 days | 33 C.E. credits |
Dr. Ilia Roussou |
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and Occlusion
Dubai - October 18-19, 2015
The detailed program of this course consists of one on-site session in Dubai with hands on practice, plus online learning and mentoring under the supervision of the Masters
Curriculum fee: € 1,350 | 2 days | 12 C.E. credits |
Dr. Altro de Oliveira
Dr. Marcelo Teixeira
Dr. Luiz Cosmo |
Advanced Mentoring and Clinical Program in Periodontics
Campinas session - August 3-7, 2015
The aim of this course is to develop the professional in manipulating soft tissues around tooth and dental implants.
Session fee: $ 5,450 | 5 days | 50 C.E. credits |
Dr. Daianne T. Meneguzzo
Dr. Selma Camargo |
Advanced Mentoring and Clinical Program Laser Dentistry
Campinas Session - May 5-9, 2015
Take your skills to the next level at the São Leopoldo Mandic University with 100 hours of learning in four blended online and offline modules.
Session fee: $ 3,550 | 5 days | 50 C.E. credits |
Find out more about our programs and courses
Contact us today:
Tel.: +49-341-48474-134 | email: request@tribunecme.com | www.TribuneCME.com
Tribune Group GmbH is the ADA CERP provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
Tribune Group GmbH is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing dental education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or province board of dentistry or AGD edorsment. The current term of approval extends from 7/1/2014 to 6/30/2016. Provider ID# 355051.
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